Yale Climate Connections - Jeff Masters Weather Blog

Cargo trucks cause a lot of pollution. Electrifying them could help. » Yale Climate Connections

Published Date and Time: 2025-01-27 07:00:00


Every day, thousands of trucks move cargo from the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to warehouses.

Most trucks run on diesel, which produces pollution that harms people’s health and warms the climate.

Browning: “Heavy-duty trucking is responsible for about 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions. That is not insignificant. That’s a big deal.”

Adam Browning is with the company Forum Mobility. He says switching to electric trucks could limit that pollution.

But electric trucks have a high up-front cost. And trucking companies need to know they’ll have a place to charge the trucks before investing in them.

So Forum Mobility is partnering with the coalition Climate United to bring electric trucks and chargers to the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

Using a grant made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act, Climate United will buy up to 500 electric trucks in bulk at low cost, and lease them to trucking companies.

Forum Mobility will then offer those trucking companies a subscription for access to convenient charging depots.

Browning: “It’s a one-two partnership for both the truck and the charging together.”

… making California’s trucking industry healthier for people, and better for the climate.

Reporting credit: Ethan Freedman / ChavoBart Digital Media

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