Our Keizer weather doppler radar and forecast will help you stay up to date with your area's local weather conditions. The temperature is currently 46 degrees in Keizer and the wind is blowing from the SSW at 7 mph on Sunday, February 2nd. The weather forecast for today is Mostly Cloudy. To view todays weather forecast in Keizer by the hour, please reference the table below.
Current Weather
Feels like: 42 °F
Humidity: 64 %
Pressure: 29.98 in
Wind: 7 mph
Trend: Falling
Wind Dir: SSW
Rain 24hrs: 0.1 in
UV Index: 0,Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Right now: Mostly Cloudy
Today's Forecast
Cloudy. Lows overnight in the mid 30s.
Day | Forecast | Wind | Humidity | ||
Sat Feb 1
0% of precipitation
Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. | 83% | view hourly | |
Sun Feb 2
45° /
AM Showers
59% of precipitation
Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. | 78% | view hourly | |
Mon Feb 3
44° /
Mostly Cloudy
23% of precipitation
Winds light and variable. | 77% | view hourly | |
Tue Feb 4
43° /
Mostly Cloudy
24% of precipitation
Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. | 77% | view hourly | |
Wed Feb 5
41° /
49% of precipitation
Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. | 83% | view hourly | |
Thu Feb 6
42° /
AM Snow Showers
31% of precipitation
Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. | 76% | view hourly | |
Fri Feb 7
44° /
Partly Cloudy
24% of precipitation
Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. | 76% | view hourly | |
Sat Feb 8
45° /
AM Snow Showers
33% of precipitation
Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. | 77% | view hourly | |
Sun Feb 9
45° /
Partly Cloudy
24% of precipitation
Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph. | 71% | view hourly | |
Mon Feb 10
44° /
Partly Cloudy
21% of precipitation
Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. | 67% | view hourly | |
Tue Feb 11
44° /
PM Showers
30% of precipitation
Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. | 65% | view hourly |
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- Radar is set to automatically start playing on page load.
- Radar is automatically set to display weather warnings, statements and advisories.
- Detailed information can be retrieved directly on the map by clicking the highlighted alert.
- Future radar mode can be enabled on the bottom left (+7 hours).
- Geo-locate can be identified on the bottom left for mobile users (Locations).
- Additional layers and features are located in the “Layers” menu (bottom right).
- Weather radar is fixed on the “searched location” but can be panned /zoomed to different areas.
- Doppler radar / satellite mode set to update an image every 15 minutes.
- Switching to radar only mode in the layers menu will update the image every 5 minutes.