United States Storm Reports Interactive Map Today

The Preliminary Storm Report or LSR is a NWS text product that relays information, normally received from external sources (e.g. weather spotters, local officials, media, public, etc.), about a specific weather event (hail `{`size`}`, wind gust or damage, tornado, various wintry precipitation types and amounts, rainfall amounts, etc.) The Storm Reports page is organized based on reports received from 1200 UTC to 1159 UTC the next day. Data is updated every 10 minutes.

Click on storm report inside map for detailed data.
Scroll down for storm reports from yesterday.

T = Tornado | W = Wind | H = Hail

If the storm reports text data fields are blank or missing information below, there are no storm reports for today.

Tornado Reports Today


Hail Reports Today

Hail sizes are measured in 1/100 of an inch (175 = 1.75``)

Wind Reports Today

Wind speed gusts are measured in MPH

United States Storm Reports Interactive Map Yesterday

T = Tornado | W = Wind | H = Hail

Tornado Reports Yesterday


Hail Reports Yesterday

Hail sizes are measured in 1/100 of an inch (175 = 1.75``)
17461003 SSE NaranjaMiami-DadeFL25.48-80.41Social media report of quarter sized hail ongoing for 15 minutes near the intersection of Campbell Drive and SW 137th Avenue in Homestead. (MFL)
17481002 S NaranjaMiami-DadeFL25.49-80.43A member of the public in Leisure City reported hail to the size of quarter dollars covering his yard. (MFL)
22321004 E DallasDallasTX32.79-96.7mPING report of 1.00 inch hail. (FWD)
22461752 NNE CleburneJohnsonTX32.37-97.4(FWD)
22561001 WSW DenisonGraysonTX33.75-96.58(FWD)
23101753 SSE DallasDallasTX32.75-96.75(FWD)
23281001 E DicksonCarterOK34.19-96.96(OUN)
00081501 E WilmerDallasTX32.6-96.66Delayed report. Social media image of ping pong sized hail in Wilmer. (FWD)
00121506 NE TrentonFanninTX33.48-96.26Delayed Report from mPING: Ping Pong Ball (1.50 in.). (FWD)
00201003 NE LeonardFanninTX33.41-96.21(FWD)
00231755 S EulessTarrantTX32.77-97.06mPING report of 1.75 inch hail. (FWD)
00361503 SW IrvingDallasTX32.83-97Report from mPING: Ping Pong Ball (1.50 in.). (FWD)
00551003 SSW PlanoCollinTX33-96.77One inch hail measured near GB Turnpike and Coit Rd that lasted approx 4 minutes. (FWD)
00591003 WNW RichardsonCollinTX32.99-96.75Quarter sized hail reported at UT Dallas. (FWD)
00591008 N PottsboroGraysonTX33.88-96.65Quarter sized hail reported at Hannah Drive on Preston Peninsula. (FWD)
01101252 N ShermanGraysonTX33.65-96.61Quarter sized hail with a few half dollar sized hail stones mixed in at KXII in north Sherman. This lasted approximately 4 minutes. (FWD)
01131502 N RichardsonCollinTX33-96.7Delayed Report from mPING: Ping Pong Ball (1.50 in.). (FWD)
01171752 N ShermanGraysonTX33.65-96.61(FWD)
01201005 SSE IrvingDallasTX32.79-96.94Pea to quarter size hail fell for 5 minutes. (FWD)
01261003 N SaginawTarrantTX32.91-97.37Quarter sized hail report from mPING. (FWD)
01351003 N SaginawTarrantTX32.91-97.36Mostly 0.5 to 0.75 inch hail but a few 1 inch hail mixed in. (FWD)
01391502 NW FairviewCollinTX33.16-96.65(FWD)
0142175Tom BeanGraysonTX33.52-96.48Golf ball sized hail reported 1 mile north of Tom Bean. (FWD)
02031753 NNW CelesteHuntTX33.34-96.21Social media photos showed hail up to golf ball size fell near Hwy 69 at CR 1145. (FWD)
02062002 SE AllenCollinTX33.09-96.64mPING report of 2 inch hail. (FWD)
02091752 N ParkerCollinTX33.08-96.64Delayed Report from mPING: Golf Ball (1.75 in.). (FWD)
02101501 ENE ParkerCollinTX33.06-96.62Ping pong hail reported at City of Parker Fire Station. (FWD)
02101752 W LucasCollinTX33.1-96.61Golf ball hail in east Aleen. (FWD)
0211100LeonardFanninTX33.38-96.24One inch hail reported by Leonard VFD. (FWD)
02241001 WSW Wolfe CityHuntTX33.37-96.08Delayed Report. HAM Radio reports quarter sized hail in Wolfe City near Hanna St and Jackson St. (FWD)
02251002 S Saint PaulCollinTX33.02-96.54One inch hail reported at Park and Country Club in Wylie. (FWD)
02251252 E ParkerCollinTX33.05-96.6Hail up to half dollar size covering the ground up to 2 inches deep in some places near Park and Country Club in Parker. (FWD)
02301252 NW MckinneyCollinTX33.22-96.68Half dollar hail reported at Lake Forest and 380 in west McKinney. (FWD)
02311502 SSW MckinneyCollinTX33.17-96.66Ping pong hail reported at Hardin and Eldorado in McKinney. (FWD)
02331501 S WylieCollinTX33.02-96.52Trained spotter reported ping pong sized hail and estimated 60 mph winds. (FWD)
02401503 NE SachseCollinTX33-96.54Hail up to ping pong ball size accumulated 4 to 6 inches deep at Wylie Fire Station 1 on S. Ballard St. (FWD)
0253125PrincetonCollinTX33.18-96.5Half dollar sized hail reported in downtown Princeton. (FWD)
03211003 ENE ForneyKaufmanTX32.77-96.42Facebook video showed large amounts of pea to quarter size hail falling in Forney. (FWD)
03521252 NW ShermanGraysonTX33.64-96.64Emergency management reports 1.25 inch hail in Sherman near at Washington and 1417. (FWD)
03561004 SW LawrenceKaufmanTX32.7-96.4Report from mPING: Quarter (1.00 in.). (FWD)
03561002 S KnollwoodGraysonTX33.66-96.62Report from mPING: Quarter (1.00 in.). (FWD)
04141003 NNE BurneyvilleLoveOK33.94-97.28(OUN)
04151501 SSE BellsGraysonTX33.61-96.41Emergency managment reports ping pong ball sized hail in Bells. (FWD)
0422175SavoyFanninTX33.6-96.37Facebook photos showed golf ball size hail fell north of Savoy. (FWD)
04351003 N EctorFanninTX33.63-96.28Trained spotter reports quarter sized hail 3 miles north of Ector. (FWD)
04521008 N BonhamFanninTX33.7-96.18Report from mPING: Quarter (1.00 in.). (FWD)
05051251 N KingstonMarshallOK34.01-96.72(OUN)
0515100CallisburgCookeTX33.7-97.02NWS employee reported family member in Callisburg had mostly dime size hail with some quarter size hail mixed in. (FWD)
0517100KingstonMarshallOK34-96.72Report from mPING: Quarter (1.00 in.). (OUN)

Wind Reports Yesterday

Wind speed gusts are measured in MPH
1745UNK2 W NaranjaMiami-DadeFL25.52-80.46Trained spotter reported downed tree limbs... a damaged fence... and pea-sized hail near SW 167 Ave and SW 264 St. (MFL)
1805UNK1 ENE HowardMiami-DadeFL25.65-80.33ARES operator relayed a report of downed power lines near SW 87th Ave and SW 131 St near The Falls. Time estimated from radar. (MFL)

This data is courtesy of the NWS Storm Prediction Center