Mesoscale Discussion 987 | |
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Mesoscale Discussion 0987 NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0518 PM CDT Sun May 26 2024 Areas affected...Western/Middle TN...Far North-Central MS...Far Southwest KY Concerning...Tornado Watch 320... Valid 262218Z - 262345Z The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 320 continues. SUMMARY...Isolated supercell development across western Tennessee is possible, with storms capable of very large hail up to 3" in diameter and tornadoes. Anything that develops may move into middle Tennessee, so trends will be monitored for possible watch issuance across this region. DISCUSSION...Recent visible satellite imagery has shown increasing vertical depth within the cumulus field over western TN. The airmass in this region is moderately to strong buoyant, with recent mesoanalysis estimating MLCAPE ranging from 3500 J/kg near the MS River to 1500 J/kg across middle TN. This area is currently displaced south and east of the stronger ascent, but there could still be enough low-level convergence to support convective initiation, particularly if convective attempts occur in close proximity to one another. Vertical shear across the region is also very strong and the resulting environment is capable of supporting supercells capable of all severe hazards, including very large hail up to 3" in diameter and tornadoes. A portion of this region is in Tornado Watch 320, but trends will need to be monitored closely to ensure that areas across middle TN are covered if trends merit. ..Mosier/Smith.. 05/26/2024 ...Please see www.spc.noaa.gov for graphic product... ATTN...WFO...OHX...HUN...PAH...MEG... LAT...LON 35718967 36558920 36788837 36578745 35728758 35038801 34598908 34948974 35718967 |
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