Available for Apple and Android

The Cape Weather App is available for iOS Apple and Android devices on the Apple and Google Play Stores. Use the buttons below to access both stores and download to your devices. Share this link with others by using the icons above. We kindly ask if you could take a moment to leave a review on our app. This will help us improve on future projects and rank in the app stores. We really appreciate your feedback and hope you find our weather app useful. Thank you!
Cape Weather App for Apple
Cape Weather App for Apple
Cape Weather App for Android
Cape Weather App for Android
Cape Weather Mobile Icon
Cape Weather Mobile Icon

After downloading the App, search for the Cape Weather icon posted above on your mobile device to open.

You can also follow Cape Weather on Facebook and other social media using this link.

Cape Weather App Camera QR Code Downloads

Point your camera from your mobile device to either one of the QR codes and receive a link to the Cape Weather App on the Apple or Google Play Store.

QR Code for Apple

Apple QR Code
Apple QR Code

QR Code for Android

Android QR Code
Android QR Code