Yale Climate Connections - Jeff Masters Weather Blog

New book tells 1,001 firsthand stories of climate change from around the world » Yale Climate Connections


Evidence of climate change is all around us. But when presented in data and graphs, it can feel disconnected from real life.

“It’s hard to understand exactly what a degree of temperature change or a few millimeters of sea-level rise might mean to someone’s lived experience,” says journalist Devi Lockwood.

So she spent five years traveling the world, talking to people about how rising seas and extreme weather affect their lives.

An elder in the Arctic Canadian community of Igloolik told Lockwood that melting sea ice makes it harder to hunt walrus and seal.

A mother on the island of Tuvalu described how, during a drought, she had to choose between using her water rations for drinking or bathing her baby.

And the son of farmers in Thailand explained that he moved to the city to find work because erratic rainfall has made rice farming less reliable.

Lockwood collected these and other stories in her new book, “1,001 Voices on Climate Change.”

“My hope is that reading this book makes people feel more connected to the issues and better able to understand how climate change is impacting people’s daily lives around the world,” she says.

And she hopes that humanizing the issue can help inspire people to get engaged and take action.

Reporting credit: Sarah Kennedy/ChavoBart Digital Media

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