Our winston-salem weather doppler radar and forecast will help you stay up to date with your area's local weather conditions. The temperature is currently degrees in winston-salem nc and the wind is blowing from the at mph on {{ today | niceDate }}. The weather forecast for today is . To view todays weather forecast in winston-salem by the hour, please reference the table below.
winston-salem, nc
Current Weather
Feels like: °F
Humidity: %
Pressure: in
Wind: mph
Wind Dir:
Rain 24hrs: in
UV Index: ,
Visibility: mi
Right now:
Today's Forecast
Day | Forecast | Wind | Humidity | ||
{{ dailyForecast.validTimeLocal[i] | dayOfWeek }} {{ dailyForecast.validTimeLocal[i] | shortDate }}
{{ dailyForecast.temperatureMax[i] | rounded }}° /
{{ dailyForecast.temperatureMin[i] | rounded }}°
{{ dailyForecast.temperatureMin[i] | rounded }}°
{{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].wxPhraseLong[(i+(i+2)-2)] }}
{{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].precipChance[(i+(i+2)-2)] || 0 }}% of precipitation
{{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[(i+(i+2)-2)] }} {{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].windPhrase[1] }} | {{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].relativeHumidity[(i+(i+2)-2)] }}% {{ dailyForecast.daypart[0].relativeHumidity[1] }}% | view hourly close hourly |
{{ hourlyForecast.validTimeLocal[h] | hourOfDay }}
{{ hourlyForecast.temperature[h] | rounded }}°
{{ hourlyForecast.wxPhraseLong[h] }}
{{ hourlyForecast.precipChance[h] }}% of precipitation
{{ hourlyForecast.windDirectionCardinal[h] }} {{ hourlyForecast.windSpeed[h] }} mph | {{ hourlyForecast.relativeHumidity[h] }}% |
Enter city or zip code above
How do you use the weather radar features?
- Radar is set to automatically start playing on page load.
- Radar is automatically set to display weather warnings, statements and advisories.
- Detailed information can be retrieved directly on the map by clicking the highlighted alert.
- Future radar mode can be enabled on the bottom left (+7 hours).
- Geo-locate can be identified on the bottom left for mobile users (Locations).
- Additional layers and features are located in the “Layers” menu (bottom right).
- Weather radar is fixed on the “searched location” but can be panned /zoomed to different areas.
- Doppler radar / satellite mode set to update an image every 15 minutes.
- Switching to radar only mode in the layers menu will update the image every 5 minutes.